This picture shows the flooding in our yard from the quick spring melt and the accompanying rain. This is actually not a lake, but our side yard (notice the kids' play structure). The canoe was actually next to the barn, but high winds blew it into the driveway, so I dragged it into the yard and tied it to the swingset for safe keeping. It looks suspiciously like a lake here, but thankfully it has dried up now! We have even got the garden tilled and ready for planting (seen here, underwater!).
I have been having a yarn sale in my etsy shop for Hand Dyed sock yarns. I have sold a fair amount, which means that I have been having a good time dyeing more! I really do enjoy playing with color! I have also been crocheting a purse out of handspun. I am very pleased with it and hope to finish it soon! I don't crochet very much, because for most things I prefer the look of knitting, but I learned to crochet as a small child and so whenever I do, it is very soothing and relaxing for me, a very natural motion.