Friday, December 14, 2007

New Harmony Needles


I just got some size 5 Harmony wooden Needle tips and a cable yesterday in the mail from KnitPicks! These are interchangeable tips, like the Denise set that I already have, but I do like the Harmony needles better! The cable is thinner, so it is easier to slide the stitches along. I have always loved my Denise needle set, but when using the #5 and #6 (the two smallest sizes) it takes a little work to slide the stitches along since the cable on this set is thicker than typical circular needles. The Harmony needle is smooth and more pointy than the Denise plastic tips. I also feel that the join is more secure. I almost feel disloyal to the Denise needles because I have used and loved them for years. They are good, but the Harmony is better and it is always fun to try something new! It has brought new life into my scratchy-pillow project. I may actually finish it, you never know!

I am really looking foreward to January. I hope to have more knitting time. The pressure of unfininshed Christmas projects is currently upon me!

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